Wednesday, July 30, 2008

311 & Snoop !! Was awesome. I'm going to bed right now though, so any kind of creative writing will have to wait till another day!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Work was long last night! Very boring! Braves got bashed, I do believe the season is over.

I worked out today, felt great! I missed yoga though. I want to make it to that class but I'm too shy to walk in late. I'll just have to be there on time.

311 coming soon, very exciting!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This was a reply to someone's message over the internet and after reading it and realizing that I said waay too much, I figured why not put it on my blog. It explains who I am and gives a pretty good idea of my beliefs.

wow, you don't know how to swim?? that's really too bad. what better excuse to be almost naked?

I enjoy the arts, but poetry isn't high on my list of favorites. I enjoy good paintings, mostly random stuff. I like Van Gogh and Dali, mainly Starry Night. I love that painting.

I'm into photography, always have been. I have lots of my own photos on my computer. I use a Rebel SLR digital. It's nice to have a digi SLR so you can take as many photos as you want (atleast until your mem card fills up).

I am not a religious person. I have strong views on spirituality, but I am as far away from being a christian as you can be without being an immoral person. To put it in a nutshell, I don't believe the Bible word for word and I don't really believe everything christians in general would have you believe, but I do have christian morals.

mainly I believe in karma. what you put forth is what you will receive.

I try to enjoy life as much as possible because I know it will not last forever. that means that I do not have a problem trying things that other people are afraid of.

I'm a sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll type person. I believe in moderation. Try anything, but don't ever over do it.

I love sports, I love art, I love my friends. I like what most guys like, which means I like cool cars, videogames, and going to the bar.

I don't like complex relationships, but unfortunately those don't seem to exist when it comes to women. it's more important to me to just have someone that understands who I am and loves me for that and nothing else.

I don't have a lot of money, but I've never felt like that was the most important thing in life.

I love to travel and I've been all over the eastern united states. I want to go international but have been unable to so far.

I love animals, I work part time at a vet clinic. I also work for an airline full time. I love baseball.

I love .

I love my family and will never let someone come between me and them.

I have two brothers. I live in a house with my uncle and my mother, both of them are flight attendants and I work in flight operations for an airline as well so we're all involved in the airline industry.

I love to write, but hardly ever do so anymore. I also love to read books. Mostly fiction, but sometimes a biography. History intrigues me to no end. As does psychology. I'm a nerd at heart, yet I love playing the jock. I love sports.

I love music too.

That's all for now, I'm going to bed.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I almost got ran off the road by a tractor trailer on Friday. I was coming home from work and the motherfucker forced me to slam on my accelerator because of how fast he was coming up behind me. Then after I had gotten over to give him the lane, he started to come over into the lane I was in. I was pissed.

I'm working five days this week, so that means less time for days off. More money though which is always nice. Hopefully another update sometime soon.

311 coming soon, I'm excited!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Life is all about being happy. I have found happiness in what my life is now. It's not complete happiness, but I enjoy what I have while I have it.

What's really hard to understand is that there is always a desire to have a partner. For me, I have always struggled with finding that person. Perhaps it was because the person I was with just wasn't working out or maybe it's because of the examples I see around me (lots of divorce).

I have loved before and I know that things happened for a reason and that's why those relationships are no longer. It is just difficult to look back upon things and realize that what you had was special but either you weren't in the right moment in your life to keep it or things in your life kept you from it.

I was thinking today about my ex-girlfriend and it's funny some of the things you will remember. I thought about walking through the dorms with her and how she use to have such a child-like personality. She had a great personality and while she was young, it was not a bad thing to have described her as childish. She was fun-loving and just enjoyed small goofy things. I really appreciated the things that she brought to my life. She made me realize that being a child sometimes was exactly what life is about. I just hope I provided her with some things that she appreciated as well. I thought about the moments I had with her and thought about how I missed it, but then I thought about the situation we were in and the adversity that we went through. We just weren't a good match at the time.

The same goes with the girlfriend I had before that.

Both women were wonderful and if given the right circumstances, I think either could have been a wonderful wife, but there was always something that stood in the way of allowing that to happen. I have always been independent in mind, but never in body. I live with my mother, even if it is beneficial for both of us, it is difficult to state that I am a grown man and independent when I still live with one of my parents. It's not like I am afraid to move out on my own. It's just difficult. Financially it just isn't smart. I could go out and get an apartment on my own, but I would be spending all my money just to pay the bills. Not to mention I would still have a million animals to take care of and where would I put them?

Good excuses I guess, but then I think about what I'm doing with my money and time now and I wonder what exactly I am trying to do in my life. I strive to be a good person and to keep good karma on my side but I have never been able to truly be successful. My relationships have failed for a number of reasons. One because I held on too tightly, another because I never could commit or let go of the past. Now that I think about it, a good number of potential relationships ended because I couldn't let go of my first relationship.

Add on top of that the fact that I can't ever save more than $1,000 at a time, life just really seems tough when you're looking at the top of the mountain all the way from the bottom of the valley. It's just funny because I am as happy now as I think I have ever been. I have a good number of friends, I have my family, and I have my health. I have a job which pays me decently and provides me with the benefits I need to maintain a healthy life. I'm even putting part of my paycheck every month into a 401k. I almost forgot about that.

I wonder if maybe I have left my life with so many open ends, meaning that I don't have a serious relationship or any worldly possessions that can keep me tied to one place. Perhaps I am waiting for that one moment to take my entire life and whisk me away to somewhere else. Or maybe not just a moment, but a person. I am happy, yet I always yearn for the yin to my yang. 陰陽

I have had it once, but it never seemed to be exactly right. I always try to tell myself, don't sweat the small things. Stop looking and it will come to you. Focus on the here and now, enjoy life and allow what comes to come. But you always wonder, don't you?

Life is good. But I'm still here wondering. I wonder what those old souls that I have met are doing. I wonder who will come into my life next. And I wonder where tomorrow will take me.

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Sunday, July 06, 2008

So tired. Terrible sleep schedule. Braves season seems over to me. 2009 could be great if they got their act together and got healthy, but since when does that ever happen?

I'll try to post tomorrow. I'm too busy making pages for the UGA football schedule and a quotes page.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

My places of interest.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

It's my off day and I am chilling hard! I woke up at 12:00, but who can blame me when my sleep schedule keeps me up until 4:00am? I cleaned my dog's ears last night and wow am I glad I did, those things were disgusting. If you didn't know, I use to/still work part time as a veterinary nurse at the Banfield of Morrow. I enjoy the job, it's just kind of a change from my full time job. Instead of working with bitchy people I can work with animals. Animals can be a bitch, don't get me wrong, but most of them are just happy to be alive. It's a great attitude to see. I love seeing all the different breeds that come in and when I see pets with good temperaments it makes my day because while you're working on the animal you can love on them too. It's a good way to relieve stress as they are always happy when someone gives them attention.

I have been working at ASA for seven months now. I have gotten to the point where I am fine with the job in terms of the stress level. It can be really hectic some days, but once you learn the job and become proficient at it, it really isn't so bad. I have yet to meet any cute flight attendants though! That really needs to change.

I am going to the Braves game tomorrow with some of my co-workers from Banfield. It's going to be a good time I am sure, but of course I have an extra ticket with no one to take it. Sometimes I feel like I repulse people cause I can never get people (females I'm attracted to) to go places with me! But fuck that, I know what's up.

That's enough for now, I'll hit this back up sometime later.