Sunday, June 29, 2008

Another day, another dollar. Sitting here at work just relaxing. The day has been progressing decently. I am trying to figure out who is going to go to the 311 concert with me. I bought two tickets with the idea that a certain person was going with me, but as it turns out they didn't want to go after all. Kind of funny considering they brought up the idea of going! That's okay though, they explained to me why they weren't feeling it anymore and I totally agreed with their reasoning. Just sucks that I had already bought the tickets. Overpriced tickets on top of that! All is well though as I am sure that I will find someone to take the ticket.

Spain won the Euro Cup 2008. Sucks I didn't get to watch the finals, but I did get to watch part of the Germany versus Turkey game. That was a great match. Turkey really put the heat on Germany by scoring a late goal to tie the game, but as it turned out Germany had something in store themselves and pulled the game out. Soccer really is interesting to me. So many people find it boring but I enjoy the pace of the game. No commercials, the crowds are superb and into every play, no one is worried about the lack of scoring, and of course it's an international game which really gives it that extra spice. I will definitely be watching the World Cup in South Africa two years from now.

I've brought back the blog and created a new website. Nothing special but something so I can say that I have one. Pnut has one, I could not be out done!