Monday, August 18, 2003

Funny ass shit

Thursday, August 14, 2003 is a great site.

Wood Weed Grinder + Nice Bud - Gotta have something that lets you be even lazier than before

Lian-Li Quiet PC Case - Not only is it quiet, but it's pretty fucking sleek looking

Zip-Linq Retractable Network Cable - I spend too much time wrapping cat5 cables to NOT want this

17" Samsung 170N LCD Display - Why the fuck not?

AVerTV Stereo TV/PVR Card - Who doesn't want to be able to record their own tv shows and movies to their computer?

Eclipse Workstation Lights - Nut's had one of these for a while, and they're pretty leet. No glare, just light.

GearGrip CRT - Monitor Carrier - Self explanatory

GearGrip LANBag - Self explanatory

GearGrip LT Computer Harness - Self explanatory

JBL Creature PC Speakers - Finally hear those mp3s the way they're suppose to be heard

TrackerPod - Perfect for those days I want to walk around naked.. I mean, when people want to see me in all my interesting states...

Turtle Beach AudioTron - Just fucking tight.. lets you play your mp3s on your stereo easily

Obviously I was bored ;]. Maybe someone who read this saw some cool stuff too, although you could've easily of just browsed the webpage.

Current Music: Incubus
Reading: Wheel of Time - Book 2 (rereading)

I'm organizing another counterstrike tournament soon...

So it's been two months since I posted last. I really neglect this journal. Not much has happened in my life, and I guess that's why I fail to post things. Still trying to get my car fixed before summer is over, along with getting a car and getting into a college. Looks like I'll definitly be going to Clayton State next summer. Hopefully take some core classes and just get my taste of school after highschool. I hope it's as enlightening as I've hoped. I just want a change really. I've spent too much time doing the same thing over and over.

I was in Barnes and Noble yesterday, and I picked up a book about Leonardo da Vinci. Think I might pick it up when I have a few bones.

Did I mention I'm in Florida? I'm visiting that special girl again. Seems like she's the only thing that gives me inspiration to do things these days. I'm going to post here more, I swear it. ;x